Jin Gao

# Education

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA

  • Master of Science of Architecture Studies (SMArchS): Architecture and Urbanism
  • Pursue a Dual Degree in Master of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Courseworks: City Science (A+), AI, Decision Making and Society (A+), Tangible Interface (A+), Software Design (A)
  • Teaching Assistant for 4.032/4.033 Information Design and Visualization with Ben Fry

Chongqing University Chongqing, China

  • Bachelor of Architecture, GPA: 3.86/4.0, Ranking: 2/127, Average Grade: 90.11/100

Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy

  • Exchange Student in Architectural Design, Average Grade: 28/30

Short-Term Educations

  • Trent Global College, Software Development Bootcamp Sep 2022 – May 2023
  • National University of Singapore: Summer Program Jul 2018
  • Hong Kong University: City Metamorphosis Summer Program Aug 2018

# Professional Experience

Product Intern Unity Technologies

  • Product development and management of 3D interactive maps and navigation solutions for future electric vehicles using Unity software.

AI Research Intern Digital Blue Foam

  • Developed an AI-powered online platform for the urban and building industry. Led product design, management, and prototype development.

Volunteer Architect Bridge to China, Hong Kong

  • Conducted project from initial design to final construction for Du'an Charity Canteen, Guangxi. Key cooperator between different stakeholders.

Intern Designer URBANUS Shenzhen Office

  • Urban Design Research of Urban Village in Shenzhen. Computational Façade Development using Grasshopper.

Intern Architect Land-Based Rationalism DRC (Cui Kai Office), CADG

  • Schematic Design of 2021 Nanjing International Horticultural Expo, Future Garden. Design development of Dinosaur Museum Project, Yunyang, Chongqing.

# Selected Awards

  • MIT Intro to Deep Learning Pitch Silver Prize
  • Young Climate Prize (25 winners worldwide)
  • ULI Urban Design Competition - Finalist Award
  • MIT Graduate Student Fellowship
  • ALIGHTING Award – Best Design
  • National Green Point Urban Design Competition
  • Asian Design Award - Silver Medal
  • China National Scholarship
  • Contest of China Architectural Rookies - Top 100
  • Institutional First Class (Top 1%) Scholarship (8/8)
  • Q-Village International Construction Competition - 3rd Prize
  • Provincial Distinctive Undergraduate Student

# Skills

  • Language: Mandarin, English (TOEFL 110, IELTS 7.5, GRE: 329 (159+170+3.5))
  • Design & Visualization: Adobe Suite, Rhino, Grasshopper, Sketchup, ArchiCAD, Lumion, Vray, KUKA, Unity, Figma
  • Data Analysis: ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, Excel
  • Programming: JavaScript (Three.js, Vue, Express, MySQL, MongoDB), Python

# Publication & Presentations

AI Agent as Urban Planner

  • Steering Stakeholder Dynamics in Urban Planning via Consensus-based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. Under peer review UAI.

From Sketch to Design

  • A Cross-scale Workflow for Procedural Generative Urban Design. First Author, Full paper accepted, CAADRIA 2024.

Simulating Multi-Purpose Autonomous Vehicles

  • Shared Mobility between People and Goods. Presented in Gama-Days 2022 Conference as 2nd author.

WeeHive – A Co-designed Beekeeping Platform

  • For an Uncertain Climate Future. Presented in Architectural Digital Future Young Scholars Forum, Tongji University, 2023.

A Method of Historical Building Investigation and Record in Early Stage

  • First Author, Presented in the 3rd International Symposium on Architectural Heritage Conservation Technology, 2019.

A Documentary of the Du'an Charity Canteen Project

  • 柴米小居建造纪. First Author, Published in book 看见世界的另一端, The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd, 2022.

Rural Construction Appropriateness Strategies

  • From Locality Perspective: A Case Study of the Du'an Charity Canteen. Third Author, Published in 2022 Institute of Interior Design Journal.

The Third Nature – An Epitaph of the Decommissioned Dams

  • First Author, Urbanism in the Expansion Field International Conference 2023.

Towards a Zero-Emission and Resilient Real Estate Sector

  • Global Outlook and Asia's Progress: South Korea Chapter. First Author of the whitepaper, 2022. Research Assistant, Supervisor: Zhengzhen Tan.

# Research Experience

Researcher Tongji-MIT City Science Group

  • Applied multi-agent reinforcement learning research with computer scientists and urban planners.

Computational Design RA CarbonHouse Pilot Project

  • Research Assistant on prototyping, engineering, and fabrication of future houses built from carbon-based new materials.

# Extra-Curriculum & Volunteer

Smart CLT Workshop

  • Digital Future 2023. Reinventing CLT material sustainably with MIT Senseable City Lab and Carlo Ratti Studio.

A Co-Design Experience: Technologies for Rural Sustainability in Colombia

  • Optimization and monitoring of beehives in rural Colombia with MIT Media Lab Space Enabled Group.

Rammed Earth Construction Workshop

  • UNESCO Chairs Program. Mastering rammed earth building skills.

TerraViva Workshop

  • Politecnico di Milano. Conceptual urban design focusing on biomimicry and sustainability.

MIT STL Lab Social Responsibility Entrepreneurship Summer Camp

  • Participated and co-organized with Prof. Qiao Liang and Prof. Yu-Hung Hong.

X Academy Teaching Fellow – Sci-fi Urbanism Summer Workshop

  • Volunteer Teacher & Course Designer for Mengzi, Shilong & Hemen Elementary Schools

# Groups & Leadership

Co-president MIT China SA+P Student Association

  • Organized semester-long lecture series and community events.

Member MIT China Student and Scholar Association

Copyright © 2023 Jin Gao | Last Updated: 2/28/2024, 1:30:38 PM